Comparing the Old and New Yield Estimates
In 2019 the Canadian Beef Carcass Grading Regulations were modified to create 5 Yield Classes to replace the earlier 3 classes. This was...
Year End Review - 2019
This “Year End Review” is written with an awareness of COV 19 but that is not relevant to the situation at the end of 2019. This review...
Where's Waldo - a comment on Canada's new food guide
We have been favoured once again with a new, updated version of “Canada’s Food Guide” and its cousin the U.S. Food Guide. They are so...
He's From Away You Know
This week an old friend named Lloyd MacLeod died and prompted this happy memory. Lloyd was a much-respected employee and executive of...
In Defence of Animal Agriculture "Anyone can live on a Vegetarian Diet-Everyone can’t!"
Introduction I do not begin this analysis with any real concern that animal agriculture is under imminent threat. Animal products have...
Well Shucks – Let’s Liberate the Animals
A little piece in the paper this past week shows an “animal rights” activist in front of a restaurant window where the Owner/Chef can be...
The World Beef Trade Picture...and Canada's Place in it
This discussion is limited to trade in beef and veal and therefore excludes trade in live slaughter and feeder cattle. Veal constitutes a...
The Deal Makers
Donald Trump boasted that the crowd assembled for his inauguration was the largest in history, thus introducing “alternate facts” into...
Beef Carcass Grading in Canada: The Common Language of the Industry
Originally written in June of 2014, this work is an outline of the history and present status of beef carcass grading in Canada. This...
2016 Census of The Beef Cattle Inventory
This article summarizes the trend in beef cow numbers, number of Producers and average cow herd size. An edited version appeared in the...